
Jump Ink

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $17.25.

An X drawn on a pack of gum visually slides and jumps across its face- you have to see this one!

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Imagine this: you borrow a pack of gum from a student, or pull one from your pocket. Either you or the student draws a big bold X on one of the compartments. You then take this pack of gum, and with no cover at all, cause that mark to visibly jump to another compartment of gum! One by one, it travels across the whole pack, to end up on the top. You then give the pack back to your student, and they can examine it as long and as thorough as they wish- they won’t find anything!

•Perform anywhere, any time.

•Easy to do.

•Use any brand of blister packaged gum.

•Gimmick is easy to construct (and we provide plenty of the necessary material).