Mars Sand Simulant


Yes, this is what the surface of Mars is like!

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Yes, this is what the surface of Mars is like!  This is just too cool!

This set includes two important samples of regolith engineered to be chemically and physically identical to the surface dust of planet Mars.
The surface of Mars is covered by sand and dust, formed by the erosion of iron-rich igneous rocks.  Known as “Regolith”, this material can be coarse, or an incredibly fine powder-like dust.  You will receive a simulant of each!

Martian Regolith Simulant Sand is engineered to be chemically and physically identical to the surface dirt, also known as regolith, on the planet of Mars.  It gets its distinct red color from the relatively high iron content.  It’s that high iron content is what gives Mars its reddish color.  Your simulant sand is an average of surface dirt based on data collected by Curiosity and Opportunity rovers. It was developed so NASA/JPL could prepare for Martian missions by testing rover wheel designs, growing crops, and making bricks with the material on the Red Planet.